Concept of ghosts and spirits in real world:Human mind is the most complicated things in this world because it's the combination of 2 qualities the most powerful functioning material and the most sensitive and effectable material. Unconsciously our minds communicate in the level they understand which conciosly we can't and this communication sometimes result in the 6th sense suggestions we get. And when the time of death if our mind becomes aware that we are going to die, it does it's most effective function nothing like in past. And at the time we die our mind lives for a little time where it emmits energy in such a frequency that it could communicate a message when it meets another mind. (Energy can be emitted by our mind for example there are people who moves objects with the. Help of their minds, it's a sign that our mind can effect physical world with it's energy) and this energy when meets some other mind it hits them with some information or message with the unreasonable intention to make itself survive in this world more. This message or information is only understandable by our mind and it itself recreates the story or image of that dead person and his intentions (It's the connection of two minds. And this happens because mind is the most sensitive obeject) and our mind will be simulated to recreate and imagine the person who is dead or at least their intentions. As human minds receive same energy and info, every mind which gets that energy would experience the same. And this energy hitting people minds recreate the image of dead person which we see as spirit. As long as our mind has it's effect, we able to see and experience that dead person. Just because this communication of energy is not understandable by our conscious mind we couldn't get any clear idea and it's hitting our sub-conscious mind we are being left in self created or stimulated world we be connected to the dead person memories and intentions. And the way to get out of it is accepting what's happening and just not trying to run away from it and able to control our mind more.
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