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Are the weaknesses/challenges that most powerful existence i.e., human mind have.. and love is a loop hole... That holds u back or pull u down... From conquering this world... See love... Makes u dedicate Ur lifetime to another person just by giving emotional satisfaction to mind like drug.. which u weren't dreamed of at any time in Ur life... It came by experience... at some point of life... It's not like u can't live without it because u did before it entered into Ur life... When it happens... Ur mind becomes Ur enemy addicting to that drug and wasting Ur life without letting to achieve anything that human mind could achieve.. that addiction makes u feel good and satisfied even with a routine life and all Ur dreams sacrificed.. all Ur ideology sacrificed and making even yourself sacrificed... And in extension., kids,family. It'll make sure u don't go what u r passionate about or at least enjoy every moment as u wished in life.


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